Communication and Researcher Wellbeing Consulting


Building Capability in Strategy and Communication

Speaker, Workshop Facilitator, MC, Coach, Strategist

[Completely Online Programs Available]

Online programs available: Communication Masterclass, Successful Grant Writing, Presentation Masterclass, Mentor/Mentee Training

grant writing

Today’s grant programs have shockingly low success rates. External review of grants prior to submission is a highly effective way to improve chances of funding. I have successfully helped many groups with applications.

For larger groups, specific grant writing workshops are also available. These are recommended for researchers at all academic levels.

public speaking Training

It’s rare that we come across truly brilliant public speakers. A few people are naturally good at this but most need significant training. But like anything we can all achieve a level of mastery we are comfortable with if we have the right guidance.

For decades I have been assisting people to become better public speakers - addressing issues of confidence, content, delivery, and audience engagement. No matter where people start they can become strong public speakers if they put in the work.

I’ve done everything from full day programs for medium sized groups to individual private coaching.


The communication skills we need in life are not taught to us when we are young. We pick up a few things along the way but most people are woefully ill equipped to communicate in a way that maximises their opportunities.

Having been a radio broadcaster for almost 30 years and a communication trainer for 20, I bring a unique perspective on how to train people to communicate. I teach people the bedrock of being good communicators so that they can apply this knowledge regardless of what they are doing.

Whether you want to be a better at public speaking, giving conference presentations, being an MC or panellist, writing applications, talking to colleagues, applying for grants or any other form of communication I can assist with either large or small group programs.

REsearch Centre development

If you are looking to establish a new centre or activity this is where strategy and communication overlap. I am confident working with groups to set up new programs and centres of activity or reviewing existing programs to find new opportunities and directions.

Executive coaching

Regardless of the level of seniority, coaching can be a highly effective way to enhance a career. Having worked in tertiary education, business, industry, government, NGOs and as a private consultant I have significant experience with coaching.


Regardless of the size of your business or type of work, having a solid strategy that is ‘owned’ by key stakeholders is critical to success.

Developing good strategies is about understanding where the client is and where they want to go. Over the years I have developed strategies for organisations as large as the University of Melbourne and as small as individual researchers. I particularly love working with researchers, researcher organisations, and tertiary institutions. As a company director myself I feel completely comfortable working with the corporate sector as well.

Feedback training

The art of giving and receiving feedback in a meaningful way is a skill that everyone should learn. The more deliberate we are with these techniques the more valuable the feedback experience should be. There should never be bruised egos nor should people feel anxious about feedback.

My feedback training sessions teach people actively utilise feedback to enhance their performance in a safe and supportive way. Learning these techniques can be transformative regardless of whether you are giving or receiving feedback.